+++ Recordon Beratung & Coaching unterstützt ein Projekt zur Kunstförderung und ökologischen Bildung für junge Menschen im Senegal +++ Machen Sie mit, teilen Sie, Ihr Beitrag hilft junge Menschen für Kunst und Ökologie zu begeistern und gesellschaftlichen Impact groß zu machen.

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AVGS Coaching

Inspirierende Workshops, Gründertrainings und Karrierecoachings für authentische Entwicklung von Menschen und Organisationen.

male putting sticky notes on wall
male putting sticky notes on wall
Do Something Great neon sign
Do Something Great neon sign
three men laughing while looking in the laptop inside room
three men laughing while looking in the laptop inside room
woman in white shirt using smartphone

David hat mir geholfen, meine Ziele klar zu definieren und meine Karriere neu zu gestalten.

Anna Myrin

A hand holding a smartphone displaying a webpage titled 'Creating a Brand' with navigation options like Home, Discovery, Members, and Topics. The background is out of focus, providing a neutral setting.
A hand holding a smartphone displaying a webpage titled 'Creating a Brand' with navigation options like Home, Discovery, Members, and Topics. The background is out of focus, providing a neutral setting.

Die Workshops waren inspirierend und haben meine Sichtweise auf Führung und Teamarbeit verändert.

Peter Santner

A stack of business and design-themed books placed on a wooden stool next to a large green plant. The titles include 'Good to Great,' 'The Lean Startup,' and 'Blitzscaling.' In the background, there is a soft focus of a mug and some light streaming in, creating a cozy atmosphere.
A stack of business and design-themed books placed on a wooden stool next to a large green plant. The titles include 'Good to Great,' 'The Lean Startup,' and 'Blitzscaling.' In the background, there is a soft focus of a mug and some light streaming in, creating a cozy atmosphere.